
Pengertian Dan Referensi Spoof Text

Kali ini kita membahas wacana pengertian spoof text, general structure of spoof text, features (kebahasaan) of spoof text, dan pola spoof text.

Spoof Text ialah sebuah teks yang menceritakan kisah yang benar-benar terjadi, namun pada final ceritanya “dibelokkan” sehingga menjadi dongeng yang lucu. Tujuannya yaitu untuk menghibur dan menceritakan kisah yang sebetulnya namun lucu untuk menciptakan pembacanya tertawa.

General structure:

  • Orientation, awal yang memperkenalkan cerita.
  • Events, detil dari dongeng tersebut.
  • Twist, bab lucu atau bab yang tidak sesuai diprediksi dari dongeng tersebut.

Features (Kebahasaan):

  • Focus pada manusia, binatang, ataupun benda tertentu.
  • Menggunakan action verb (material processes).
  • Menggunakan saying verb.
  • Menggunakan adverb of time and place.
  • Menggunakan simple past tense.

Contoh Spoof Text :

A Bumpy Flight

“This is your captain speaking. We have had a failure in one of our engines. There is no cause for alarm as we still have three engines left. Unfortunately this means that we will be one hour late.”

A short time later captain again spoke to the passengers. “There is no cause alarm, but we have just lost another engine. We will now be two hours late.”

When the captain spoke to the passengers for the third time, he again had bad news. “Ladies and gentlemen, I assure you that we are in no danger, but I must inform you that we have had another engine failure. This means that we will now be three hours late.”

Finally, the captain announced that the fourth engine had failed. One of the passengers turned to another passenger and said, “Oh no, that means we’ll be four hours late!”

(Adapted from “English Elements 3”)